Monday, June 1, 2009

MNSCS #2 Afton Avalanche

Sunday's race was another large field,179 in my race.
This is a view from up the ski hill of the start of my race.
I got a poor start and got stuck in a huge bottle neck at the beginning of the single track, while the leaders rode away. After I got though that mess, I started making my way through traffic. Afton is probably the the hardest race of the MNSCS series, and it definitely has the most DNF's.
I ended up 4th in my age class again. It was a good race for me.

Zach, on the other hand, got to watch from the sidelines. Saturday nigh,t I had to take him to the ER to get 5 stitches in his leg and get his hand X- rayed to find out he had a broken finger. He was riding his friend's dirt bike and one of his other friends t-boned him with a four wheeler. He should be good to go in a few weeks.
Our team mate Ben Shocky was also at Afton mixing it up with the rest of the expert racers.

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